Curriculum Vitae


My full CV can be viewed here.
  • PhD General Linguistics (Current); Stellenbosch University.
  • MA General Linguistics (obtained March 2018); Stellenbosch University.
  • Teach English Foreign Language (TEFL) Certificate, (obtained January 2020), i-to-i TEFL.
  • BAHons General Linguistics (obtained December 2016); Stellenbosch University.
  • BA Languages and Culture (obtained December 2015); Stellenbosch University.


My current employment is as follows:

  • Ad hoc lecturer in the Department of General Linguistics (Stellenbosch University) for 2nd and 3rd year Applied English Language Studies.
  • Online English teacher for Landi English.

Research Contributions 

Theses and Dissertations: 

Chewing the Fat: Ideology, Identity and Group Membership in Pro-Eating Disorder Communities

The above thesis focuses on the linguistic articulation of ideology, identity and group membership on pro-eating disorder websites. The study comprised a Critical Discourse Analysis and was completed in fulfillment of my BA Honours in General Linguistics (Critical Discourse Analysis) degree.

Reversing Time: The Effects of Mirror Reading and Writing Exercises on the Mental Timeline

The above thesis looks at the effects of exposure to reversed reading and writing exercises on the mental timeline. This thesis was written for my MA General Linguistics (Psycholinguistics) degree.